Business Recognition "Camins Segurs (Safe Paths)"


Business Recognition " Camins Segurs (Safe Paths)" to INTERFLEX for its Contribution to Women's Occupational Safety in Montacada i Reixac


INTERFLEX has been awarded the " Camins Segurs  (Safe Paths)" business recognition for its outstanding participation in a key project aimed at ensuring the safety of women on their way to work in the industrial estates of Montacada i Reixac (Spain).

The project, called " Camins Segurs," focuses on creating safe and accessible work environments for women working in the industrial estates of the region. Montacada i Reixac has experienced significant industrial growth in recent years, and this initiative seeks to address specific concerns related to the safety of women during their daily commutes to and from work.


INTERFLEX has played a key role in this project by providing its facilities for the development of this project and hosting all the companies involved in it to seek diverse solutions that ensure safe access to industrial facilities, as well as creating brighter and supervised environments, reducing risks and improving the peace of mind of the workers.

At the presentation of the " Camins Segurs " recognition, the mayor of Montcada i Reixac, Bartolomé Egea Sabaté, expressed his gratitude to all collaborating companies for their commitment to occupational safety and their active collaboration in creating a safer environment for women in the industrial estates of Montacada i Reixac.


The management of INTERFLEX also expressed their gratitude for this honor and reaffirmed their continuous commitment to developing solutions that promote safety and equality in the workplace.

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