INTERFLEX technology to optimize photovoltaic projects


The precise selection of products plays a fundamental role in prolonging the lifespan of electrical installations, contributing to their safety and ensuring optimal performance. In the field of renewable energies, uncertainties persist regarding the choice of electrical materials, either due to unfamiliarity with available options or their novelty and limited implementation.


Based on this premise, INTERFLEX, a company with over 50 years of experience in the electrical sector, has developed a catalog specialized in renewable energy installations. This catalog facilitates the selection of appropriate electrical materials for installers and engineering firms. You can access the complete catalog at the following link:


>> Download the INTERFLEX solutions catalog for renewable energies here <<


But let's delve a bit deeper into each of the products.


A continuación, examinaremos detalladamente cada uno de los productos ofrecidos


Next, we will examine in detail each of the products offered. Flexible conduit systems play a crucial role in protecting cables from rain, dust, and especially harmful UV rays, while preserving their flexibility and mechanical strength. This is particularly relevant in critical areas such as string connections. Within the product line, the NYLOFIX (polyamide tubes) and INTERFLEX (metal tubes) models are designed to withstand these rigorous conditions. In the absence of specific tests to evaluate the resistance of flexible tubes to ultraviolet rays according to IEC 61386 standard, INTERFLEX has innovated by using the North American UL 746C standard. This standard simulates accelerated aging of plastic materials using xenon light, granting an f1 rating to products that maintain their characteristics after these tests. The NYLOFIX AGT, STT, VOT, PPT, HRT, and FRT models, as well as the ONDAPLAST-HF-UV metal tube, have successfully passed these tests, certifying them as suitable for outdoor installations. The choice of model will depend on factors such as temperature, mechanical resistance, flammability, static or dynamic installation, among others.

Although there is no standard establishing a correspondence between the hours of xenon light testing and the equivalent years of weather resistance, certification according to UL 746C supports the suitability of the product for outdoor use.

In cable routing along panel rows, buried installations (burial tubes) or surface installations (cable trays) can be used. Among the advantages of surface installations are easy installation, simple maintenance, a more secure connection to strings and other boxes, easier cable routing, absence of risk from floods, heavy rains, and lower environmental impact.

In the case of buried installations, the use of cable pass probes such as SONDAFLEX facilitates the passage of cables from one end of the tube to the other. Although some tubes have threads for pulling cables, the presence of probes is useful in situations requiring routing or rewiring.

VIAFIL grid trays and VIATEC rolled steel trays are ideal for surface installations, offering finishes adapted to photovoltaic environments, such as high-strength HR finish (CLASS 8 according to IEC 61537) or stainless steel for corrosive environments (CLASS 9B for AISI 304 stainless steel or CLASS 9D for AISI 316 stainless steel). Being metallic, these trays are inert to UV rays, avoiding aging due to exposure.

The INTERFLEX cable glands range includes versions in polyamide (recommended in black) and nickel-plated brass, with options of stainless steel (AISI 303 or AISI 316) for locations near the coast.

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